Simple Ways to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Simple Tips to Get Started

We know that it is very difficult to quit drinking alcohol because it is not easy giving up something that you have habitually done for couple of years. This can be true in terms of work, activities you love and others. But it’s even much harder to quit doing something that has turned into an addiction - alcoholism. There have been like many obstacles in taking the path to quit drinking alcohol. Just like the stones in a rough road that hinders a motorist from driving smoothly, an alcoholic faces different hindrances that block his way. The keyword is DETERMINATION. It is the key element in quitting alcohol and an individual surely needs the willpower to stay at the right path. Regardless of how strong the alcohol addiction is, or how effective the alcoholism treatments are, it is always the patient’s determination to quit drinking that matters.

The first step to achieve this goal is acceptance. Accept that you have a problem. If you recognize the fact that you have drinking problems, you are starting at the right foot. Learn to face the truth that you need help. I am sure there are people who are willing to help you in any way they can to obtain your goals. Your family and friends who understand your condition and situation can be extremely helpful in supporting you to quit drinking.

Secondly, lay your cards on the table! Ask yourself the following questions? “Why do I drink? What happens when I get drunk? How does it affect my disposition? What are the consequences of my actions? How does it affect me, my family and the people around me?” If you answer the questions honestly, you will come to a point of realization. This realization will eventually lead you to the motivation you need to have enough determination to quit and overcome the consequences.

Thirdly, be positive. You may experience setbacks at the start, you may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms and these may lower your spirit. Don’t get depressed. It is normal to experience such things as you quit drinking alcohol because they are the reactions of your body and the results of the duration you are exposed to alcohol. More likely, it is only temporary and will be gone as you advance your self to the world of sobriety.

Fourthly, face the fact you need a support group. Supports may come from your family, good set of friends and co-workers. There are also online support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous which can assist and guide you. You need to be constantly reminded of to go on and continue fighting. Don’t ignore suggestions or any form of help or support as these will encourage you to keep going until recovery.

Lastly, make yourself busy. Boredom is sometimes the root of an addiction. Get into sports or enjoy the beauty of nature. Spend time to enjoy and smell the roses, listen to the music created by nature. Remember that happiness is a choice. You must choose to be happy and do the things that you enjoy. This way, you will get over your alcohol cravings and prevent relapse. This situation may be easier said than done but as you absorb all the things required to quit drinking alcohol, you may find yourself easily getting along with the process.